February 2019 Meeting and Detecting Day


Bit of a change of scenery this month, we held our Monthly Meeting at the Cawarral Cricket Grounds where we discussed general business and welcomed 3 new members to our ever growing club. Some of the members were surprised to find out we were not detecting at the cricket grounds, as first thought…but we were actually going to a private location near by (thanks Matt).

Got to say, what a sight with the convoy of cars heading out to the secret location. When we arrived we went up the hill to an old abandoned Gold Mine, which dates back to the late 1800’s. The owner gave us a run down of the property and a bit of it’s history before we grabbed our machines and headed off to see what we could find.

We didn’t have a lot of luck on the day but we know for sure we are keen to head back for another go. However,  there was a couple of interesting finds, Trevor the ORX Guru again showed us how it done with a nice 1901 token, button and buckle. There was also an early 1900’s fob watch centre found plus a few other little bits and pieces by our members.

Here are a few pictures from the day hope you enjoy!


February 2019 Club Meeting Day, Cawarral Cricket Grounds.

Hi guys, next club meeting is on Saturday the 23rd of February at the Cawarral Cricket Grounds. The meeting is scheduled to start at 12, after we take care of general business we will be having a detect close by at another location. So grab your detector’s, charge up your batteries and we will see you all there. Don’t forget to wear closed in shoes, sunscreen and slap on a hat. Almost forgot, bring plenty of water as it will be hot. The address is 45 Annie Dr, Cawarral, click on the image to view the location on Google Maps.